From 2002
Kim first brought a husky in 2002 from wales, she was called mya, she was a dark grey & white with bie eyes, the love and loyalty she gave kim and the children, is what had made the family love and treasure the Siberian husky, they are hard working & loyal but don’t let that fool u they do have a stubborn side, our first litter was bred in 2008 which we have kept back coco, she is a light red & white, with bright blue eyes, she is the most loyal loving dog, coco u can always find her on her back by the wall when the underfloor heating is on!

From coco we bred, Mia again she is light red with bright blue eyes and so on, we have also purchased a few Siberians to mix our lines up as we like quality over quantity in our dogs, all dogs are hip scored and eye tested, and we have a selection shown most of the show teams are shown to championship level, our aim with our show dogs is to get them to Crufts.
Dean enjoys mushing & dry land mushing with them, we have a team they will work there hearts out for Dean.

Here we have our working girls, Mia, Passion, Nya & Voodo, passion and Nya are full sisters there both light red like there mum Mia, but these girls both have amber eyes, passion having full face mask whereas Nya doesn’t.
Voodo, she again is agouti with bie eyed, these girls will work there hardest for you. Mia & Passion love cuddles and snuggling up on the sofa. Dean is always walking into Kim snuggled up with one of the girls normally Mia or Passion!
Nya is a dog that likes her own space, she is very close with Dean and always trying to please him.
Voodo has a lot of energy and she like's to be kept busy, she not a dog that sits and cuddles she’s a true husky always looking for an escape if board, though she is fun and loving and keeps us busy!